Angelique Marguerite Le Boursier du Coudray (1712-1790) was the “King’s Midwife” in France. And yet, Madame du Coudray left no journal and few...
“Those who have the privilege to know have the duty to act.“
Albert Einstein

Meet The Graffiti Gang – Grandparents takeout the streets
So you think your grandparents aren’t “street” enough? Too set in their ways to get down with the kids? Meet the granny...
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Real Living Proof Of Prolonged Youth Through Yoga
This is 95-year-old yoga master Kazım Gürbüz, who looks closer to 50 than 100. Gürbüz still enjoys an active sex life and...
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Meet The World’s Oldest Female Bodybuilder
Ever felt like you’re too old to do something? Well, you’re not. And Ernestine Shepherd is proof of that. She’s the...
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Racism Tears Britain Apart Due EU Leaving
Two men and a boy were arrested after a video showed a group of teenagers racially abusing a tram passenger who confronted them...
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Cute Video About Never Giving Up – Only In Japan
Japanese child fails to jump the barrier four times. The reaction of his colleagues its heart warming. Watch the video...
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A Retired Aerospace Engineer Totally Shocks The Audience –...
Who said that talent shows are predictable? After the likes of Paul Potts and Susan Boyle, we should know not to make assumptions...
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Glowing Tumors : Researchers Make Tumors Glow To Assist Surgeons In...
Glowing tumors could help surgeons remove cancer. Dyes which light up cancerous cells could transform cancer treatment in the...
Read MoreThe exact moment people when see with their eyes again…or for the very first time. Produced by Adam Banicki Source:
“My own personal opinion is that time is a human construct,” says Tom O’Brian. O’Brian has thought a lot about this over the...
Every chemical element on the periodic table has a different reaction with one another. So let’s bring them together at a party and see what...
Being an adult is hard. You get so tired at the end of the day from doing adult stuff. You have to do laundry, cook, save money, and clean my...
In the early 1970s, a wave of panic spread around the north London suburb of Highgate. There was a vampire on the loose. Tales of the sinister...
Beneath the folds of their Victorian dresses, the jujutsuffragettes concealed wooden clubs—preparation for hand-to-hand combat with the London...
India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi has launched a program to lure tons of gold from households into the country’s banking system. The program...
One day, an incredible husky named Kane’s hind legs stopped working. He was too old for surgery, so doctors prescribed him pain medication, but...
The Barrett Barrera Gallery in St. Louis, MO, has opened a unique exhibit of art made from human hair, bones and teeth. The “Darwinian Voodoo”...