One day, an incredible husky named Kane’s hind legs stopped working. He was too old for surgery, so doctors prescribed him pain medication, but that alone wasn’t enough.
But instead of giving up on his lifelong companion, Kane’s owner tried something new.
He found that taking Kane out for swim was the only thing that really helped his condition. Many pet owners find water therapy to be a highly effective treatment for their pets, and Kane was a perfect example of that. In the pool, Kane became weightless and felt no pressure or pain in his back legs. It was such a relief for Kane’s family to know that he could enjoy swimming without hurting.
”Only a couple days after Pool Therapy Kane was up and on his feet again. With a little help… and sometimes he even does it all by himself.”
Far too often, owners give up on their pets because they’re older now and aren’t the puppies they remember them to be. Senior pets require much more patience and care than the average pup, so when we see stories of families like Kane’s, we just knew we had to share.
“We’re not sure how long Kane will be here, but as long as he is I’m going to make sure he’s as comfortable as possible,” says Kane’s owner. “Every day he tells me how much he appreciates it!”
Author: Jenny Brown