The Hidden Benefits Of Bananas , Especially The Black-Spotted Ones

Natural Remedies and Prevention With Bananas

Bananas are perhaps one of nature’s most under-rated fruits. The yellow skinned fruits are easy to overlook, especially when it seems as if there’s always some new and exotic type of fruit that’s being touted as the next big thing. However, the fact remains that bananas are a tasty super food that can give our bodies all the good stuff it needs to thrive. They’re packed full of nutrients, vitamins, fiber, and all-natural sugars, like sucrose and fructose. That’s part of the reason why eating bananas regularly can help to keep the doctor away.

Many of us bring home a bunch of bananas from the store and eat them throughout the week. They start off mostly greenish-yellow and spotless, but as time goes by, the bananas continuously ripen. Eventually they begin to develop brown spots, which grow bigger and bigger until the entire banana is covered in brown. Many people are turned off by brown bananas and think it means they’re rotten so they toss them out. It makes sense, most fruits that turn brown are indeed rotten and unappetizing.

However, the more dark patches a banana appears to have, the more ripe it is, and the more TNF it contains. TNF stands for Tumor Necrosis Factor, and it’s a cancer fighting substance that helps fight against abnormal cells in our bodies. Specifically, TNF helps to assist communication between cells in our immune response system and it guides the movement of cells towards areas in our bodies which are inflamed or infected. Research has confirmed that the TNF found in ripe bananas interferes with tumor cells growth and inhibits them from spreading by causing cell death, or apoptosis. This, in conjunction with the high levels of antioxidants which are also found in bananas, boosts our immune systems and can increase our white blood cells as well. The next time you see a banana with brown spots, don’t pass it over. Instead, eat it up and give your body a mini-health boost and some extra energy.

In addition to the brown spots and their immune system strengthening qualities, bananas have a number of other health benefits. Below are a few of the main ones that bananas can give you:

1) Heartburn- Bananas are nature’s anti-acid and can provide relief from heartburn and acid reflux. Eating just one banana can immediately bring soothing relief and lessen your heartburn symptoms.

2) Blood Pressure- Bananas help to lower blood pressure and protect against stroke or heart attack because they are low in sodium and high in potassium, making them a heart healthy food.

3) Energy- Eating a banana or two before a workout gives you enough energy to last an hour or more. The low glycemic carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals all support your body increase endurance, while potassium helps to prevent muscle cramps.

4) Anemia- They can help those with anemia by providing much needed dietary iron, which stimulates red blood cell and hemoglobin production and strengthens the blood supply.

5) Ulcers- When you suffer from stomach ulcers many foods are off limits, but bananas can be eaten without having to worry about whether or not they’ll cause pain. That’s because their smooth, soft, mushy texture coats the stomach lining and protects it against corrosive acids and irritation.

6) Depression- They can help overcome depression because they have high levels of tryptophan, which our bodies convert into serotonin. Serotonin is a brain neurotransmitter that makes people relax, feel happy, and improves mood. Thus, bananas can help people feel better and beat depression.

7) Constipation- If you are clogged up, eat a few bananas. They have enough fiber in them to stimulate regular bowel movements and provide natural relief for constipation.

8) Nerves or PMS- When you’re feeling moody and stressed, eat a banana. They help to regulate blood sugar and are rich in B vitamins, which naturally calm the nervous system and make people relax, resulting in an overall improved mood.

9) Temperature Control- Eating a banana on a hot day can cool you off by lowering your body temperature. The same is true for it you have a fever.


Things You Didn’t Know About Bananas

To quickly ripen a banana, place it in a paper sack with a tomato or an apple.

Bananas are 75% water.

Even though bananas are very sweet when ripe, bananas have a relatively low glycemic index rating.

One banana supplies enough copper to keep the body properly producing red blood cells.

As they ripen, bananas produce an enzyme called “pectinase.” This enzyme helps break down plant materials in our body.

A banana has as much starch as a potato.

The fruit isn’t the only part of the banana you can eat. The flowers, leaves and trunk of the plant are edible as well.

Things To Consider

When we are healthy and our body’s digestive system is balanced, bananas are very good for us. On the other hand, when someone is suffering from Candida overgrowth, bananas feed yeast.

Beta-blockers, medications that are most commonly prescribed for heart disease, can cause potassium levels to increase in the blood. High potassium foods such as bananas should be limited if you are taking beta-blockers.

Consuming great amounts of potassium can be harmful for people with poorly functioning kidneys. If your kidneys are unable to remove excess potassium from the blood, too much potassium may be fatal.


Benefits Of Banana Peels For Your Skin:

Bananas are not just healthy snack options, they can even work wonders for your skin. They are enriched with antioxidants, nutrients, vitamins and phytochemicals that help to nourish, moisturize and revitalize dry skin. It is an amazing fact to know that not just the flesh but banana peels are also packed with powerful and beneficial nutrients, making it superb for skin care use.

Acne Treatment

Rubbing banana peels directly to your acne gives tremendous positive results. Banana is an extremely good source of Vitamin C that works as a good antioxidant and relieves the oxidative stress, which causes skin inflammation and itching. Take the banana peels and cut them into manageable size. Rub the inside of the peels over your affected skin to reduce acne symptoms. You can repeat this process 3-4 times every day for speedy recovery.

Lighten Dark Spots

The high content of antioxidants and potassium in banana peels make it excellent for diminishing the visibility of scars. Peel off the banana and separate it into long stripes. Now rub the inside layer of the banana peel on your scars directly in circular motion to allow the nutrients to get absorbed into the skin. Wipe the area clean using a moisten washcloth. Use this remedy everyday and the dark spots and scars will gradually begin to lighten.

As a Natural Scrub for Your Skin

Banana peels makes an excellent scrub to gently cleanse your skin without rendering it dry. They provide added benefits of tightening the skin and prevent premature aging. Make a natural scrub at home by mashing 1 banana with spoon and adding 2 tbsp of granulated sugar and few drops of essential oil to it. Mix well and massage this banana scrub on your face, arms and legs. Rinse off later with water.

Oil Control

If you have greasy or oily skin, banana face mask is excellent to control oil secretion and render your skin clean. Banana works as a superb exfoliator and removes excessive sebum from the surface of your skin. Besides it also contains moisture and essential vitamins to give you clear and glowing skin. Make your own banana pack by mixing honey and lemon juice. Apply on your face and wash off later with water.

Get Rid of Puffy Eyes

The inside of the banana peel consists of white internal fibers that help in reducing puffiness in the eyes. Mix the peel’s fibers with fresh aloe vera gel to form a smooth paste and apply around the eyes. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes and wash with cold water. The potassium in banana removes excessive salt that leads to fluid retention.

Now you have learned these amazing skin benefits of banana peel, so nest time when you eat banana, don’t just discard the peel. Use always fresh banana peels for treating skin problems.



Photo credits: pixabay/Robert Chlopas, pixabay/joseal bafotos


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